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This Day in History

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tercentenary Franklin Exhibition at Orland Park Public Library

The Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World exhibition was organized by the Benjamn Franklin Tercentenary, and the American Library Association, Public Programs Office. The 1,000 square foot traveling exhibition was made possible by the National Endowment for the Humanities: great ideas brought to life.

The splendid exhibit is now on display through February 19, 2010 at the Orland Park Public Library in Orland Park, Illinois. The library has scheduled more than 20 activities and events to complement the display.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Christopher Lowell as Benjamn Franklin

One of America's foremost presenters of Dr. Franklin can be seen in the video.

He recently visited the Swedenborg Memorial Library of Urbana University in Ohio to amplify the national traveling exhibition.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Picturing America Exhibit and Franklin

The Illinois State Library is currently displaying art prints from the "Picturing America" portfolio from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Prints from the 40 large, high-quality reproductions of great American art will be displayed on the library's second floor bridge throughout the rest of the summer. Prints include a James Audubon watercolor of pink flamingos; a stained-glass window by Tiffany; and a black-and-white photograph of Abraham Lincoln by Alexander Gardner as well as a handsome photograph of the 1862 Hiram Powers statue of Benjamin Franklin in the U.S. Senate Collection. All of the artwork is accompanied by "Artist Bio" and "Inspiration" statements as well as a listing of linked resources.

"Picturing America" is distributed by the NEH in cooperation with the American Library Association.
To view the entire collection, visit the Picturing America website.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Benjamin Franklin and the Hudson Valley

is the fall tour, September 30-October 4, sponsored by the Friends of Franklin. The tour will explore Franklin's New York connections in the scenic Hudson Valley and consider the 3 themes connecting Franklin to this area: his 1754 Albany Plan of Union, his 1776 visit of Canada to advance the American Revolution, and the Indian treaties he negotiated at Fort Stanwix. For further information contact Kathy DeLuca at 856-854-7257.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fourth of July is Independence Day

Check out the U.S. government's web page replete with histories, quizzes, recipes, and more, even the founding document.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dr. Alan Houston's Amazing Discovery at the British Library

Dr. Houston, a political science profesor at the Unversity of California at San Diego, came across copies of 47 letters writen by Benjamin Franklin. His Spring,2007 find is reported in the April issue of the William and Mary Quarterly.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

NEH Funds Benjamin Franklin Summer 2009 Teachers' Workshops in Philadelphia

Teachers from across the United State will have the chance to walk in the footsteps of Benjamin Franklin this summer as part of a major National Endowment for the Humanities initiative. The $175,000 Landmarks of American History grant will bring eighty teachers to historic Philadelphia for a week.

Penn State Harrisburg will sponsor "A Rising People: Benjamin Franklin and the Americans," to be held June 28-July 4 and July 5-10. Teachers will study with major scholars of early America, visit sites that Franklin knew, peruse documents in Franklin's own hand, and experience the host of historic opportunities Philadelphia has to offer in the weeks surrounding Independence Day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Illlinois' Impeachment of Blagojevich

Ron Grossman, a Chicago Tribune Reporter, traces the origins of America's use of impeachment, first discussed by the Founding Fathers. Mr. Grossman describes Benjamin Franklin's view of this extraordinary power to remove the executive. Governor Blagojevich was impeached by unanimous vote of the Illinois Senate, 59-0, on Thursday, Januaary 29, 2009.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Edward Gibbon and Benjamin Franklin

In his 11/23/2008 NYT book review on p. 12 of Piers Brendon's recent "The Decline and Fall of the British Empire 1781-1997," Geoffrey Wheatcroft wrote, "Shortly before (1781),Gibbon himself declined an invitation to dine with Benjamin Franklin in Paris since he represented an enemy country. Franklin genially replied that he would like to 'furnish materials to so excellent writer for the Decline and Fall of the British Empire,' so the idea isn't new."

Gibbon was inspired while visiting Rome in 1764 to write his "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" which he completed in 1788.